ARA National Register Nomination for O.M. Oviatt House Approved!
I’m pleased to announce that ARA’s nomination for the Orson Minot Oviatt House in Richfield, OH was approved by the state review board today. I had a great time getting to know this wonderful house and its dedicated owner Joyce. She bought the house last year and has been busy making it into a fabulous inn. We were able to tune in to the remote board meeting via Zoom and hear the discussions for many of the nominations under consideration today. Ours passed with flying colors! Next it goes to the National Park Service for a technical review and should be officially listed in the National Register in a few months. Meanwhile, you can read the Significance Summary from the nomination below, enjoy some photos of the house and check out the Cuyahoga Valley Inn’s website:
The Orson Minot Oviatt House is significant under Criterion C as a local example of a fully executed Italianate-style home. The house was constructed circa 1867 by Oviatt, whose family was one of the earliest to settle in Hudson and Richfield. Oviatt returned to Richfield from Cleveland after a successful career as a merchant and financial advisor to the city. He built this country estate for his family in one of the popular architectural styles of the era, a common practice for homeowners wishing to express their prosperity
and status. It exhibits a full complement of characteristic Italianate features, including formally-arranged façade, L-shaped plan, deep eaves with ornamental brackets, low-pitched hip roof, segmentally arched windows and full-width porch with decorative open spandrel moldings. The house is one of the most well-preserved homes in Richfield and retains excellent integrity of location, setting, design, workmanship, materials, feeling and association, both on the exterior and interior. The associated barn has been present on the property since the 1870s, retains integrity and is a contributing resource.
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